
Vatican Announces Sydney as Host for 2028 International Eucharistic Congress

Sydney, September 16, 2024: The Vatican has confirmed that Sydney will host the 54th International Eucharistic Congress (IEC) in 2028. The event, which occurs every four years, is expected to attract tens of thousands of Catholics from around the world.

Sydney’s Archbishop, Most Rev. Anthony Fisher OP, highlighted the significance of the congress, describing it as the largest Catholic gathering in Australia since World Youth Day in 2008. Archbishop Fisher emphasized the congress’s potential to deepen faith in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist and to inspire spiritual renewal among participants.

“The Eucharist has the power to transform hearts and energize our Christian mission,” Archbishop Fisher said. “Hosting this event gives us an opportunity to revitalize our city’s liturgical life and expand our outreach to those in need.”

Supported by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia, Sydney’s bid for the congress was successful. The IEC will feature large Masses, a Eucharistic procession through the city, and a week of spiritual events, making Sydney a focal point of global Catholicism during the congress.

The 2028 IEC will be Sydney’s second time hosting the event, with the city having first held the congress in 1928.

Courtesy: The Catholic Weekly