
Synod Members from Asia Convene in Bangkok to Discuss Working Document

Bangkok, August 8, 2024: Thirty-eight synod members from across Asia gathered from August 5 to 9, 2024, at the Baan Phu Waan Pastoral Centre in Bangkok, Thailand. They convened to discuss the working document for the second session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly, scheduled to be held in Rome from October 2 to 27, 2024.

The participants engaged in a process of spiritual discernment, reflecting on the document titled "How to be a Missionary Synodal Church." This document is the culmination of a two-year synodal process and invites further discernment to identify concrete steps towards a more synodal Church.

Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, S.D.B., President of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences and Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar, inaugurated the three-day meeting on August 6, 2024. He also was the main celebrant of the inaugural Holy Eucharist.

Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay; Cardinal Jose F. Advincula, Archbishop of Manila, Philippines; Cardinal Charles Maung Bo, S.D.B., Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar; Bishop Pablo Virgilio Siongco David, Bishop of Kalookan, Philippines, Fr. William LaRousse M.M., Assistant Secretary General, FABC, Rev. Dr. Vimal Tirimanna, CSsR from Sri Lanka, Dr. Christena Kheng from Singapore, Fr. Clarence Devadass from Malaysia were the resources persons, who facilitated the sessions based on spiritual conversation.

Thirty-eight participants from 17 Asian countries were divided into six groups for spiritual conversations. Their discernment outcomes will be presented at the synod in Rome this October. The participants expressed joy and hope as they journey together on synodal pathways, aiming to transform the Church in Asia into a more synodal Church.

Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrão, President of the CCBI and Archbishop of Goa, Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Archbishop of Bombay, Cardinal George Alencherry, Major Archbishop Emeritus of the Syro Malabar Church; Bishop Alex Vadakumthala of Kannur, Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara, Deputy Secretary General, CCBI and Sr Lalitha Thomas, S.J.T., represented India at the Asian Synodal Assembly in Bangkok.

By Dr. Stephen Alathara