
40 Days of Grace (Day 7): 7 Ways to Practice Mortification During Lent

Lent is a sacred season of reflection, repentance, and renewal. It is a time to step away from worldly comforts and draw closer to God. One of the most profound ways to grow spiritually during this time is through mortification—the voluntary denial of pleasures or enduring small sacrifices to strengthen our spiritual life. Practicing mortification doesn’t mean extreme self-punishment; rather, it helps us detach from worldly comforts and strengthen our souls.

Here are seven meaningful ways to practice mortification this Lent:

1. Fast with Intention

Fasting isn’t just about skipping meals—it’s about offering up that small suffering to grow in holiness. Beyond the traditional abstinence from meat on Fridays, consider fasting from snacking, sweets, coffee, or even unnecessary social media scrolling. Every time you feel that pang of desire, turn it into a prayer.

2. Embrace Silence

In a world of constant noise, silence can be a form of mortification. Try limiting music, podcasts, and television during Lent. Use the newfound quiet for deeper prayer, Scripture reading, or simply listening to God's voice.

3. Sleep Sacrifices

Instead of hitting snooze, wake up a few minutes earlier every morning for prayer or spiritual reading. If you normally sleep with extra comfort, try using a simpler pillow or blanket. Small discomforts can help us detach from luxury and remind us to rely on God.

4. Cold Showers

A classic yet effective form of mortification, cold showers help train your will and detach you from comfort. Offer up the discomfort you endured during a cold shower for the conversion of sinners or a special intention.

5. Eat Plain or Simple Meals

Rather than indulging in rich, flavourful foods, consider eating more bland or simple meals as a form of mortification. Reduce seasonings, eat smaller portions, or choose meals that nourish rather than simply satisfy cravings.

6. Give Up Complaining

One of the hardest (but most transformative) mortifications is controlling our words. Make a conscious effort to stop complaining, gossiping, or speaking negatively. Instead, offer up frustrations in silence or replace them with words of gratitude.

7. Perform Hidden Acts of Charity

Mortification isn’t just about giving things up—it’s also about giving more. Challenge yourself to do small, unnoticed acts of kindness, like cleaning up after others, serving a difficult person, or sacrificing your time for someone in need.


Lent is a time of purification, and mortification helps us detach from worldly pleasures and attach ourselves more fully to Christ. Whether through physical discomfort, self-denial, or hidden sacrifices, these small acts of discipline can lead to profound spiritual growth.

Which of these mortifications will you try this Lent?

By Catholic Connect Reporter