
Pope Francis Encourages Knights of Malta to Serve, Walk, and Adore with Generosity

Vatican City, January 3, 2025 — Pope Francis addressed a delegation of the Archconfraternity of Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist of the Knights of Malta at the Vatican on Friday. The delegation had come from Catanzaro, Calabria on a short visit to Vatican City. During his address, the Pope urged members of the delegation to focus on adoration, service, and walking in faith as part of their spiritual journey. He also reminded them that the Lord will always be there with them when they do these three things.

The Holy Father acknowledged the group’s devotion to Mary Most Holy, Mother of God, who is venerated by their confraternity as Hodegetria, meaning "she who shows the way." He highlighted that Mary directs believers toward Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Reflecting on the image of Mary, Pope Francis highlighted how she holds in her arms the Savior born for us. "This is the event of love that you embody by adoring the Eucharist, serving others, and journeying through the history of your city," the Pope said.

Focusing on three key verbs—adore, serve, and walk—Pope Francis elaborated on their spiritual and practical significance. On the verb "to adore," he noted that the Knights often indulge in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He praised them for this and called on them to renew their commitment to prayer, both personal and communal, during the Holy Year of Jubilee. "Let prayer and adoration of the sacred host be the strength that constantly renews your ancient association," he said.

Turning to the verb "to serve," the Holy Father commended the Knights for their acts of charity, including caring for the poor, visiting the sick, and offering comfort to those in need. He emphasized the link between adoration and service, highlighting that acts of compassion and tenderness reflect Christ’s mission of service.

"Christ came into the world to serve," the Pope said. "Like branches united to the Vine, you too extend His love when you approach the small and the needy with compassion and tenderness. In doing so, your devotion to God and dedication to your brothers and sisters will shine brightly for everyone along the way."

Finally, while reflecting on the verb "to walk," Pope Francis said that it serves as a reminder that Jesus, the Way, calls us to follow Him and “walk” in His ways with perseverance. This helps keep the flame of faith burning brightly throughout our earthly journey.

The Holy Father expressed gratitude to the Knights for their tradition of presenting the Easter candle to the Lateran Basilica every year and also for supporting the Pope’s charity, describing these acts as a symbol of their ongoing generosity.

Concluding his address, Pope Francis urged the Knights to continue their path of service and hope, assuring them of the Lord’s constant presence and guidance.

Courtesy: Vatican News