
Agra Region Paves Way for Synodal Church Through Effective Digital Tools

Varanasi, September 13, 2024: The Agra region organised a two-day seminar titled "The Synodal Church – A Communicating Church" for the Diocesan Secretaries for Social Communications of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Rajasthan (UPUKRAJ ) on September 12 and 13 at Nav Sadhana, Varanasi. The event featured various sessions aimed at exploring the significance of communication in the Church, with a particular focus on the digital environment and the upcoming Jubilee Year 2025. 

Organized to reflect on the role of communication in fostering synodality, the seminar commenced with an inaugural address by Bishop Eugene Joseph of Varanasi, Chairman of the Regional Social Communications Commission of the Agra Region, who emphasized that the proper use of communication serves the community.

The key resource person, Fr. Nigel Barrett, explored the origins and purpose of human existence, referencing the Inter Mirifica document, which serves as the Church's blueprint for communication in the modern world. The Catholic Connect team introduced the App at the conference, highlighting its features to foster digital connection within the Church.

Fr. Barrett also delivered the key presentation on the theme of the Synodal Church, emphasizing how the Church must engage as a communicating body within the digital environment. He outlined the Church’s mission to use digital tools to enhance its outreach.

In the subsequent sessions, Fr. Barrett led discussions on a collective vision for the region’s communication strategy, encouraging participants to ideate and articulate goals. Fr. Cyril Victor Joseph led an insightful online session focusing on the pastoral plan where he outlined key strategies for enhancing the Church's engagement through modern media.

Fr. S. Joseph stressed the importance of social communication, underscoring the need for modern communication tools to engage the faithful, promote Church initiatives and support the Church's mission during this time of celebration.

The conference concluded with an action plan aimed to support the Church’s mission during the Jubilee 2025 celebrations.

By Catholic Connect Reporter